How can Mayday save you money? One effective way is to use a document management solution such as PaperCut, this solution gives Mayday customers the ability to manage, restrict and reduce unnecessary volumes and prints. Saving time, money and the
Ricoh “Smart Device Connector”
Along with many other fantastic features Ricoh supplies on their multifunctional devices, they also offer the “Smart Device Connector” which gives our customers the ability to print or scan direct from their smart phone by simply tapping the NFC tag
Suffolk Whole Hog 2017 “Mud, Guts and Glory!”
It’s that time of the year again, Mayday are proud to sponsor Eight Point Two’s “Suffolk Whole Hog” mud run event in which hopeful runners gruel a 5 mile mud run through challenging obsticles. For the braver runners there is
Ricoh “Augmented Reality”
Want to know what one of our devices will look like in your office or desk? Simply download the Ricoh “Augmented Reality” app from the Google Play store or Apple App Store and as demonstrated by our creative sales team